Have you found the one?
1. You’ve never dated anyone else before.

2. Your estimates for auto body work always come out to within $100 of each other.

3. Your names are Mom and Dad.

4. Your genitals make a loud hissing sound when you are in the same room.

5. Your combined bowling scores are always a perfect 300.

6. Neither of you think that the Oklahoma City bombing was a good thing.

7. Each time you make love, the elderly man next door nods in silent approval.

8. You’re on the FBI’s “Most In Love” watchlist.

9. Even though you have your disagreements, you’re always on the same page when it comes to killing your wealthy father-in-law.

10. You both believe rats are born when people leave out old rags.

11. They know the one thing to say that will hurt you more than anything else in the world.