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#4 Is Genius, But The Rest Of These Pictures Of Latte Art Are Okay Too

Latte art is basically the modern-day oil painting, and these awesome pics showcase some of the masterpieces of the form—particularly #4, which is absolutely genius.

1. This is pretty good latte art, but holy shit, just wait until you get to #4.

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2. This one’s great for what it is. It’s no #4 though. You’re going to love #4.

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3. You know what? Just skip this one. It’s fine, but with #4 right around the corner, we should just move on. Are you ready? Here it comes…

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4. Incredible, right? What did we tell you? It’s truly inspired. How did they even do this? It’s hypnotizing. If somebody handed this masterpiece to you, would you even be able to drink it? You’d probably just sit there staring at it for as long as you possibly could. This is the Mona Lisa of latte art for sure.

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5. So, here’s this next one. It’s not terrible. Given what came before it, though, you definitely couldn’t call it great.

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6. Remember the way #4 had all those super wavy lines that all swirled together, but still managed to maintain an interesting shape? It was completely abstract, but there was order to it. It looked kind of like a flower—a beautiful flower made of milk.

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7. This one’s fine too, but it’s trying way too hard. It doesn’t have the subtlety of #4. To be honest, we found #4 and then just sort of built the rest of this list around it. The other latte art on this list is just padding. It’s barely worth your time.

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8. There it is! We couldn’t resist, you guys. We brought back #4! It’s so fucking genius. It’s incredible. Holy Christ. Just look at it!

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9. Eh.

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