We’ve all been there!
1. You hear a muffled snicker from around the corner that is undeniably Leah Remini’s.

2. You notice that there is a trash can missing from its normal spot, and you’ve also seen Leah Remini around way more than you usually do.

3. You’re at the exact corner that Leah Remini threw a trash can on your head last week.

4. Someone who looked a lot like Leah Remini but wearing a bowler hat and fake mustache just quickly walked past you and turned the next corner.

5. This is the moment that you least expect it.

6. Leah Remini invited you into her Burbank, CA, home, you’re sitting in the living room, and she’s calling you from the kitchen to come “help [her] with something.”

7. By not being firm with Leah Remini in the past about how you don’t like having trash barrels tossed on your head, you’ve tacitly validated her behavior, and it will continue.