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Beautiful: This Man Lost 150 Pounds When He Stopped Eating 80 Bags Of Cola-Flavored Gummies A Day, And His Story Will Inspire Anyone With The Same Fucked-Up Situation

If you had met 41-year-old Ray Westfield just a few months ago, you wouldn’t recognize him now. That’s because he’s undergone an amazing personal transformation: He lost 150 pounds after he stopped eating 80 bags of cola-flavored gummies a day, and he’s going to inspire anyone in the same fucked-up situation.

Absolutely heartwarming. If you’re part of the tiny sliver of the population with a monstrous cola-gummy problem, then this is absolutely life-changing news.

“I thought I’d never turn my life around, but when I stopped having a bowl of cola-flavored gummies for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and 14 meals in between, I just started to shed the pounds,” said Westfield, certainly resonating with the two or three other people on the planet who fall into the same category of gummy-scarfing freaks. “I dropped weight, I felt more active, I was just flat-out living a better life—all from cutting out the garbage bags full of gummies that I was inhaling day in and day out.”

Wow. He’s sure to inspire a very select group of people with the same cola-flavored fever dream of a diet.

If you somehow share Westfield’s demented situation, it might never cross your mind to stop pouring milk onto gummies and eating them with a spoon or to forego blending them up into a dip for more gummies. It can be legitimately hard to fathom your life without 80 pounds of cola-flavored gummies a day when you’re one of a handful of people who have been living a deranged, gummy-fueled lifestyle for years.

That’s why hearing about Westfield’s experience is so crucial to anyone who frantically calls the foremen of every Haribo factory every morning after waking up from a recurring nightmare that a vat of gummies was destroyed in a fire. For people who are used to wearing a backpack full of gummies to devour while doing errands and setting an alarm for 3 a.m. to eat 10 pounds of cola candy, his story is invaluable.

Incredible. When you’re a very rare type of person who eats their weight in gummies every few days, a world without them might seem impossible. But thanks to Westfield and his extremely specific journey to wellness, anyone who buys cola-flavored gummies by the truckload can now look to him for inspiration. This is just beautiful.