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ClickHole Invites You To Give ClickHole $10

Hello. The time has come for you to give ClickHole $10. We need this money to buy jewels, computer chairs, and health insurance. Please consider this your official invitation to give ClickHole $10. 

Wow! What a wonderful opportunity! 

You’ve been enjoying this website for a long time, yet you’ve never given it any money. Why? You give money. You give money. Does ClickHole not also deserve money? We think it would be nice to have some. Do not miss out on this incredible chance to give ClickHole money—10 monies, to be exact.

Now, you might be asking yourself, “Why does ClickHole deserve my money? I work hard for it at my job at Sports Clips, where I’m the person who guards all the swept-up hair from bandits.” Good question. Here are some reasons you should give ClickHole your money:

– You like ClickHole, and you want what’s best for it.

– It’s thrilling to transfer money through the dizzying, fast-paced world of cyberspace.

– We know you’ve got the cash. We’ve seen you flapping that big, fat wallet of yours all around town, and we want in on it.

– You have to do it if you want people to respect you.

– God came to us in a dream last night and said that only those who donate $10 to ClickHole will be allowed to join Him in the Kingdom of Heaven. He also wanted to remind mankind that it is perfectly okay to be intimate with blood relatives and that the Bible could not have been any clearer on this.

– It’s the right thing to do.

They say that money can’t buy happiness, but this is a lie. You will become happy if you give ClickHole money. You will not be able to stop smiling knowing that money that was once yours now belongs to a website. What a blessing it will be for you to give ClickHole $10 through the PayPal link below. 

If you don’t feel like giving us $10 today, you can also do it tomorrow or even in May sometime. What matters is that you for sure give us $10* at some point, and that you do so with a glad heart.

How fortunate you are to have been chosen to give ClickHole money! Do not pass up this once-in-a-lifetime chance to give ClickHole $10. It will be the most rewarding thing you ever do. 

*You can also give ClickHole more than $10 if you’d like. Dollar amounts such as $50, $103, or $20,528 will also be accepted.