If you’re feeling a little blue, we’ve got just the thing to boost your spirits. Use the sliders below to receive awesome compliments from everyone’s favorite person, Pakistani activist Malala Yousafzai!
Wow! Get ready, because THE Malala Yousafzai is about to put a big smile on your face!

She’s got so many nice things to say about you!

It’s so cool that even after becoming world-famous for getting shot in the head, Malala will still take time out of her day to say nice things to a stranger. She must really think you’re great!

Pretty flattering that a Nobel laureate thinks so highly of you!

Keep the compliments comin’, Malala!

Okay, Malala’s got time to say one more nice thing to you and then she needs to hit the road. Be sure to thank her in the comments for being so sweet and generous with her time. She’s the best!