Ever wonder what’s on the mind of today’s most notable people? Well, don’t miss our unbelievable roundup of the best and most talked about quotes of the day:

“Professional wrestling is a lot like professional acting. In wrestling, everyone is fighting over a championship belt. And in acting, everyone is fighting over the one real belt that belongs to the costume department, because nobody wants their pants to fall down in the middle of a take.”
—Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson
On his career

“The phone calls we used on Frasier were actual, real-life psychiatric patients describing their problems. It was an incredible violation of their privacy, but it was great television nonetheless.”
—Kelsey Grammer
On ‘Frasier’

“Journalism is about the truth. That’s why before every show, I walk on screen totally naked and then pull my clothes out from under my desk and flip them inside out, just so my audience knows I’m not hiding anything in there.”
—Rachel Maddow
On establishing trust