Ever wonder what’s on the mind of today’s most notable people? Well, don’t miss our unbelievable roundup of the best and most talked about quotes of the day:

“I vividly remember my first car. It was a white Ford station wagon with wood paneling, one tire, two hoods, and a shitload of corncob pipes on the floor. It may have had a horn that always honked when I didn’t want it to and never when I did, but it had a windshield that never quit and smelled like a car twice its size.”
—Elodie Yung
On her first car

“In a cave, stalagmites grow on the floor, and stalactites grow on the ceiling. That’s just a little trick I use to remember what surface to walk on.”
—Bear Grylls
On mnemonics

“You know what they say about boats: They are a neat and effective way to give yourself the experience of floating on water!”
—Matthew Perry
On boats