Ever wonder what’s on the mind of today’s most notable people? Well, don’t miss our unbelievable roundup of the best and most talked about quotes of the day:

“We have a backup design for a flag with only 49 stars just in case Idaho somehow disappears. That’s not to say that Idaho will disappear, but believe me, were it to happen, we’d be ready.”
—James Mattis
On national security

“I once helped a snapping turtle get out of a busy intersection, and in exchange, the turtle chomped off a suspicious-looking mole on my foot. Who knows—we just might’ve saved each other’s lives that day.”
—Charlize Theron
On fate

“I used to fall asleep with the TV on, but that was a terrible habit. Now I fall asleep with the oven on, and it’s much warmer and more comfortable.”
—Shailene Woodley
On staying rested