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He’s Not Coming, Babe: This Woman Keeps Hopefully Scanning the Crowd at this Party for Scrappy Doo

It’s a tough lesson to learn, but sometimes, no matter how badly you want something, you need to accept that it’s just not going to happen. And for this guest at a house party in Santa Clarita, California, it’s time to face the fact that the guy she’s hoping to see tonight just isn’t gonna show: This woman keeps hopefully scanning the crowd at this party for Scrappy Doo.

C’mon, girl. Stop looking around and just enjoy your drink, because there’s zero chance Scrappy’s coming tonight.

Even though it’s already one in the morning, and everybody knows that Scrappy Doo either rolls through early or he doesn’t roll through at all, 28-year-old Kimmy Cosper keeps ignoring the people she’s talking to in order to look around the room, desperately trying to figure out whether Scooby Doo’s pugnacious, three-foot-tall cousin has entered the party. Kimmy probably should have gotten the message that Scrappy Doo wouldn’t be showing up when he didn’t respond to the texts she sent him earlier saying, “Yoooo,” followed by “Will I be seeing you at Greg’s tn??” – messages that took her nearly 40 minutes to craft – but the sad fact is that she’s still craning her neck toward the foyer every three minutes in the hopes she’ll see a small, aggressive dog come barreling through the door yelling his signature catchphrase, “Lemme at ‘em!”

Good Lord. Looking at the door isn’t gonna make him magically show up, Kimmy!

Worse still, after two vodka crans, Kimmy felt confident enough to text Scrappy again – this time opting for a message reading, “Dude this party is seriously lit lol,” which Scrappy merely gave a thumbs-up iMessage reaction, effectively telling her to fuck off and leave him alone. Unfortunately, though, this move only energized Kimmy to the point that when she overheard some commotion in the kitchen, she excitedly ran in thinking that Scrappy had finally showed up and gotten into one of his famous fistfights, only to see two men trying to open a bottle of beer without an opener instead of a tiny Great Dane furiously throwing punches into the air.

This is so sad to watch. Just dance to J.Cole with your girlfriends, Kimmy, because Scrappy’s definitely out at some other club right now, and the furthest thing from his mind is you.

Look, someone needs to remind this woman that Scrappy Doo might like to stir up trouble, but he doesn’t play games, so if he liked her, she’d know. And until this girl realizes that she’s 100 percent going home without a quick-to-anger puppy on her arm, she’ll just keep breaking her own heart. Yikes.