Hello Romeo. Here come the women. There is a way to be toward them that will be romance. I have the tricks to make the women be respected by your ways. Here is how to be that way. Here is how to treat a woman.
1. Look At The Woman
One of the best ways to make a woman be your girlfriend is to look at her. When you look at a woman, it makes her think that she is around. It makes her feel so important, like she is the president or God’s assistant. This is a surefire way to make a woman understand that she is fantastic to you.
2. Jingle Your Keys In Front Of The Woman
Women are easily bored because they have grown accustomed to a fast-paced life of action movies and fully immersive fantasy RPGs with awesome graphics. Because of this, you will need to always entertain a woman if you want her to think that she is your girlfriend. If you jingle your keys in front of her, a woman will clap her hands and say, “This is so exciting!” Jingling your keys will also drown out the sounds of the locusts, which will relax her.
3. Give The Woman Two Sushis
Women are usually hungry due to their scary lifestyle. If you want a woman to think that you are a sexy boy and a man of sex, you should feed her with two sushis. Some of a woman’s favorite sushis are crab and fish. If you give a woman two of these sushis, she will kiss you or at least she will kiss someone you know.
4. Marry The Woman’s Dad
If you want a woman to think you are a strong and sexy man like Mr. Clean, you have to show her that you respect her dad. A woman thinks of her dad like a big slug who deserves the royal treatment. The best way to make a woman know that you respect her dad is to marry him. When you marry a woman’s dad, she will go to the golf course with you and she might even hold your hand.
5. Give The Woman A Flower
One of the most romantic kinds of vegetables is a flower. When a woman gets a flower, she laughs or she goes to sleep or she gets a headache. Some types of good flowers to give a woman are roses and lettuce. When you give a woman the flower, she will probably let you date her for 300 years. There are some other ways to treat a woman also, but none of them matter.