The most fascinating people on the planet are right here on ClickHole to answer all your fascinating questions about the most fascinating topics, all in real time. So join the convo on today’s Ask Questions At Me!

My name is Ronald Sneld, and I am 53 years old. One month ago, my wife divorced me and was granted full custody of our three beautiful children, whom I miss terribly and am no longer allowed to see. Around the same time as the divorce, I was laid off from my job as a distribution manager for Pepsi despite more than 30 years of faithful service to the company. Both of these hardships come at a very difficult time for me health-wise, as my body is failing me in many ways but I cannot get the medical treatment I need on account of not having insurance. I am suffering greatly both emotionally and physically, and though I would desperately like to improve my circumstances, each new day seems to only bring more and more misfortune.
I am trying my best to maintain a positive outlook on things, but the reality is that everything I say is incredibly depressing. This will not be a good time. I’m sorry you are here. Ask questions at me.