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Lucky You! 6 Trick-Or-Treaters In April! 

Ding-dong! Well look who’s here! Didn’t expect these little guys and girls today, being that it’s April and all, but here they are. Hope you can find some candy! 

Well, this is unexpected! Who would have thought that a trick-or-treater would show up at 11 a.m. on a Tuesday in late April? What a stroke of luck for you! Did this trick-or-treater get lost last Halloween and is still trying to find her way home? Was there a glitch on her parents’ calendar today? Who knows, but it’s always nice to get a visit from a trick-or-treater, even if it’s six months early. 


How wonderful! Another one! Might have to give this one a can of LaCroix or something, as you probably aren’t stocked up on KitKats and Twix like you are around October 31st, the actual date of Halloween. This one doesn’t seem to be traveling in a group with the first one, and there are no parents in sight. We checked and there’s nothing in the local news about any organized trick-or-treating going on today. It must just be your lucky day! 


A third trick-or-treater? In April? This is like winning the lottery at this point! Looks like this one already has plenty of candy in their bucket. Hm, where did that come from? Were the other houses on your block prepared for trick-or-treaters in April? Because most people don’t keep fun sized Sugar Daddies just laying around. Anyway, what a delightful surprise. 


Adorable! These two seem to either think that Halloween is in April or think that trick-or-treating is something you can just do whenever! And who are we to correct them? They must have skipped school to dress up in costume and hit the ‘hood for some treats. If you don’t have a protein bar or some grapes or something to drop in their little buckets, you can always just give ‘em a few bucks. 


Oh goody! These trick-or-treaters just keep coming! At this point, you might as well go down in the basement, dig out your Halloween box, and start decorating your porch! Will this be the last of them? Or is this just the beginning? Is trick-or-treating becoming a year-round thing? How amazing would that be?! Guess you’ll just have to listen for that doorbell to find out.