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Major Money Mistake: 5 Reasons Why Food Is The Worst Investment You Can Make

Buying food is a major money mistake. Here are five reasons you should never put your money towards edible goods!

1. Like cars, groceries start to depreciate in value the moment you leave the store with them.

2. Food has lower return rates than stocks. If you bought Amazon stock in 2000, it’d be 9,000% more valuable today. If you bought dinner in 2000 instead? Odds are, that dinner is currently worth $0.

3. Most food will expire by the time your family can inherit it. Food owners are better off buying property that they can leave to their children instead.

4. Need to secure a loan? No matter how nutritious your food may be, most banks will not accept produce or prepared meals as collateral.

5. Your history of food ownership may be impressive on paper, but it’s not a factor credit bureaus consider when determining your credit score (barring rare and extreme exceptions).