Apologies to easily frightened readers—it’s just that time of year!
The end of October has come marching into town, and it’s brought some of its scary friends along for the ride. Ah, look! Here’s one now.

Brrr! There’s a chill making its way down all of our spines, and this chill’s flavor is ICE!

Yes, you may want to close the eyes of the nearest child for this.

Creeps here! Get your creeps here! Ice-cold creeps! Four dollars!

Director Alfred Hitchcock, eat. Your. Heart. Out.

Look at this creepy crawler!

Imagine what horrible beast possessed this for a skull!

Ooh, a scary story—we dare you to not jump out of your chair!

Have fun sleeping tonight!

Okay, okay, that’s enough freaky stuff. Here’s something pleasant. Enjoy the rest of your day, and have a safe Halloween!