Sikh culture is based on a rich tradition of love and understanding, and as the Sikhs in this list show, it is also a culture of breathtaking beauty. These Sikhs exude dignity and poise, but unfortunately, I really do need them to get out of my headshots.
1. The poise and solemnity this man displays here is a testament to the beauty and power of Sikh culture. Sadly, when he displays these incredible things in my professional headshot, it means that I can’t send it to casting agencies. I’m trying to land a speaking role on Chicago Fire, and that’s pretty competitive, so I kind of need this man to step out of the picture so I can showcase my physicality to casting agents.

2. The point of a headshot is that it captures a particular actor’s look and overall physical presence. There isn’t supposed to be anyone else in it—not even this proud woman in her truly breathtaking traditional dress.

3. I’d like to thank Photography By Claire for the excellent headshot that has unfortunately been rendered unusable by this dignified Sikh who has waltzed into the frame uninvited. He embodies a rich and noble Sikh tradition that stretches back nearly 1,000 years, but my headshot was really not the place to put that tradition on display, especially when a speaking role on Chicago Fire is stake.

4. This beautiful reminder of the broad range of what American faces can look like is stirring, breathtaking, and completely unwelcome in my headshot. I mean, give me a break here! I’m going to have to completely redo this one. They’re $800 a pop. This isn’t some slapdash community theater audition! Even a smaller part on Chicago Fire can get the ball rolling for other gigs.

5. Oh, come on, guys! You can barely see me in this one! These inspiring men and women are living reminders of Sikhism’s proud history of perseverance and achievement, but they are completely blocking my face! Do you think the casting agents at Chicago Fire are going to give a speaking role to a guy whose headshot dedicates more space to showcasing the beautiful and varied tapestry of the Sikh experience in America than it does to portraying his range and physicality as a performer? I’m not auditioning for “Most Beautiful And Varied Culture”; I’m auditioning for a goddamn speaking role on Chicago Fire! This headshot is ruined. It’s poignant and awe-inspiring, but it’s ruined.