More of some, but less of others.
Here’s one of the Jennifer Anistons.

This is the second of the Jennifer Anistons.

Now, as promised, No. 3 of the Jennifer Anistons. Three’s pretty good.

Okay, there are just two Kim Kardashians. Here’s the first.

And here’s the second. Three or even seven Kim Kardashians may be more exciting, but two is a fine amount nonetheless.

All right, get ready for four (FOUR!!!) Michelle Rodriguezes—this one is just the tip of the Michelle Rodriguez iceberg!

One, TWO Michelle Rodriguezes out of four (holy fucking shit! FOUR!!!). Surf’s up, and it’s Michelle Rodriguez!

One, two, THREE Michelle Rodriguezes—the third, NOT the final, Michelle Rodriguez! And if you’re a big Michelle Rodriguez fan, we’ve got a real treat for you crawling down the pike!

One, two, three, four (FOUR!!!) Michelle Rodriguezes. Back-to-back-to-back-to-back. A baker’s trio (FOUR!!!) of Michelle Rodriguez, the jackpot amount. Go ahead, count them yourself (there are four [FOUR!!!]). Believe it. Sadly, four (FOUR!!!) is not the case with Kristen Bell, as you will see momentarily.

Only one Kristen Bell. Just one. That’s it. Very sorry, but that’s all. Please don’t take it to heart. Going from a Great Lake of four (FOUR!!!) Michelle Rodriguezes to a shrew’s teardrop of only one Kristen Bell must feel like a letdown. That’s life, though. Sometimes there is only one, and sometimes you’re lucky enough to say there are four (by God’s own admission! FOUR!!!). Think about it in this way: Perhaps knowing there is only one Kristen Bell makes you appreciate it more than you would’ve had there been two, three, or four (FOUR!!!) Kristen Bell? All we ask is that you salvage what you can from this only one Kristen Bell. Jennifer Aniston had three, Kim Kardashian had two, Michelle Rodriguez had four (from stem to stern, tip to pit, FOUR!!!!), and Kristen Bell just the one. Feel free to imagine more Kristen Bell here if you’d like. Or maybe even open this in four (FOUR!!!) different windows and line the Kristen Bells up next to each other? Whatever helps. Again, very sorry.