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Huge Relief: This Woman Thought Her Friends Were All Gathered At Her House To Stage An Intervention, But It Turned They Were Just Throwing Her A Surprise Baby Shower 

If you’ve ever been in a situation where you’ve assumed the worst but then ended up feeling the sweet relief of discovering your worries were unfounded, you’re going to appreciate this amazing story: This woman thought her friends were all gathered at her house to stage an intervention, but it turned out they were just throwing her a surprise baby shower. 

Whew! What a massive relief. 

When 28-year-old bartender Alicia Morrow pulled up to her house this past Saturday and saw the cars of her closest friends and family members parked out front, she immediately worried they had gathered to stage an intervention for her drug and alcohol addiction. Given her increasingly erratic behavior, deteriorating physical appearance, and obvious desperation for money, she assumed that her circle had finally had enough of her heavy drinking and meth abuse and had come to encourage her to check into rehab. 

But as she walked up to her front door clenching her teeth with anxiety with a feeling of dread swelling in her throat like an allergic reaction, her terror turned to a deep sense of relief as she noticed pink balloons and party streamers decorating her entryway and heard her loved ones shout“Surprise!” She stepped inside and walked past a big pile of gifts and cards in the entryway while on her way to hug the dozen loved ones who had thankfully showed up to help her out rather than to make her life more difficult. As she mingled with her family and opened her gifts, she was careful to chew gum to mask the vodka on her breath and keep her pipe buried deep in her purse, ensuring that they gathering remained a joyous occasion and didn’t turn into a major bummer. Finally, after a few hours of playing Diaper Pong and eating bottle-shaped marshmallow pops while the crystal meth she had smoked earlier mellowed out, she was able to say goodbye to everyone and hit her flask to celebrate her good fortune. 

Wonderful. It’s so nice that Alicia’s friends were there to celebrate the life growing inside of her and not to ruin her day by making her go to rehab. 

Being surrounded by family and friends asking to feel her baby bump instead of crying and begging her to get help for her addiction issues was a great reminder to Alicia how loved she is, and now she’s free to quit her heavy drug and alcohol use on her own terms when she sees fit. Plus, now she’s got all of these nice strollers and diapers and stuff she can sell if she happens to need money. What a beautiful turn of events!