Autumn is the finest season of them all, with its endless excuses to wear comfy plaid and to enjoy your Woodchuck Cider. It also offers a chance to admire the raking talents of those who build up the kind of impressive leaf piles matched in majesty only by behemoths like Mt. Everest.
1. Man or machine? These leaves were raked up so efficiently that you might’ve thought a robot with a built-in leaf-trajectory algorithm was responsible. As it turns out, this incredible man just has a lot of experience with caring for his lawn.

2. It’s a bird…it’s a plane…it’s just a really big pile of leaves. Joseph built up this amazing mountain all by himself with a single rake, proving he’s nothing short of a real-life Superman.

3. Check out this Tower of Babel! Four-year-old Jeremy wanted to help his dad rake the leaves like a big boy, and he spent three whole minutes doing just that!

4. Warner Bros. and Paramount Pictures are currently in a bidding war for the rights to the story of this inspiring pile of leaves, which was created by real-life hero Paul Hennessy against insurmountable odds.

5. A heavy breeze meant that Sandy raked up this pile not once, not twice, but three times. Some say she should have waited until the breeze died down. Others see her for the superhuman she is.

6. This colossal leaf pile Daryl raked up all by himself isn’t just large; it’s exquisite. Usually, the only people who can construct something so intensely beautiful on such a large scale are whole teams of architects and construction companies with advanced machinery. Or gods.