Here is The Sponge. His antics excite you. He is from your past, and it feels good to see him.
This is not a house, but The Sponge is disturbed and does not know better.

The Sponge is the master of Large Snail.

The Sponge is ageless, neither boy nor man.

The Greedy Crab wants coins.

The Sponge and Squid sear meat in a dark room. We enjoy watching it.

Pink Star scares us with his terrible voice.

Car? No. Boat? No. Nothing is as it should be.

Greedy Crab is father to Whale. The world is governed by madness.

The Strong Lobster lives for nothing except muscles. Beyond his muscles, he has no existence. He is one of your favorites.

Here is the Woman Of Endless Expansions. She lost her mind in prison because The Sponge could not drive. This story is a cherished memory of your youth.

The Rodent lives in a house of death where The Sponge is cooked alive. He visits her often.