Get ready for something powerful enough to make the world take notice.
For a century and a half, Bertolli has been making olive oil, but this week, it made history. As of Monday, visitors to Bertolli’s website are at last able to select “Palestine” from its “Choose Your Country” drop-down menu.
Other companies, pay attention: This is what progress looks like.
While Palestine’s status as a sovereign nation remains hotly contested within the international community, with this one simple gesture, Bertolli has shown everyone that it’s not afraid to take a stand on Palestine’s behalf. And as Palestinians continue to struggle for their independence, acts like these send the message that their fight is not in vain.
Visitors clicking through with “Palestine” selected are able to browse Bertolli sauces and Mediterranean-style frozen dinners, discover easy recipes, and learn about the company’s long history of top-quality goods, all in Palestinian Arabic.
While Bertolli hasn’t made any fanfare about the change, it definitely hasn’t gone overlooked:

It’s hard to say whether this will change any minds about Palestine’s ongoing struggle for independence, but one thing is clear: The people of Palestine have a friend in Bertolli.