Transformers: Age Of Extinction is blasting into theaters this weekend, but that doesn’t mean this summer’s high-octane action is limited to the big screen. Transformers toys, films, and cartoons have inspired tons of creative fans over the years, but 29-year-old Joseph Brennan might have them all beat:

Move over, Optimus Prime! The part-time grocery store clerk transformed his 2009 Ford Focus into a high-tech weapon of sheer destructive force early this morning while coming home from a double shift at the Grand Food Center in Winnetka, IL.
We all remember the scene where Sam Witwicky (Shia LaBeouf) discovers that his car (secretly the Transformer known as Bumblebee) has a mind of its own.
But it took a real super-fan to bring the excitement to life, slamming into a minivan from behind, which in turn spun into a tanker truck containing highly flammable compressed hydrogen—treating spectators to a Michael Bay–style collision of metal on metal and a blazing fireball rivaling anything we’re likely to see at the movies this summer.
We’ll certainly never forget this creative whiz’s Transformers tribute! Let’s hope this isn’t the last time we see a fan help bring one of our favorite summer movies to life (Planet Of The Apes, anyone?).