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Some Feedback On Miles Teller

Overall, M. Teller (1987-present) appears to have a stable career with capacity for longevity, but he remains limited in a number of ways. Further notes and suggestions for M. Teller are below.



Filmography shows versatility

Project X (party category); Whiplash (yelling category); Top Gun (Tom Cruise category).

Accurate number of sisters

The actor appears to have two sisters; the actor in fact has two sisters.

Tests well with gestating life

Pregnant focus groups report significant increase in fetal movements when actor is on-screen.

Actor’s odor remains undetected

No notes.


Walks only on two legs

Teller suffers from unremarkable gait. Actor’s current form restricts roles to bipedal creatures.

Facially obtuse

Lamentably so—? Consider repairs. See below.

Indifferent to cobblers

Review of actor’s performances and interview recordings suggests he has no interest in cobblers, or shoe repair of any kind. Likely has no knowledge of the craft, could not shine loafer if life depended on it.


Develop mild chronic illness

Nothing too serious; no spokesperson role advised. Eczema, migraines, gum disease to name a few. No gastro. Left-handedness expected to play equally well. 

Expand locomotion via quadrupedalism

Actor could play a bear, dog, drumming bear, etc in a miniseries/movie. Mockup as follows. 

Do not be 35

Actor is advised to become different age immediately. M. Teller tests best as 34 or 36, and after 36 jump to 40, actor is in the clear after that.

Star in a movie about dice

Any dice scripts in rotation? Actor can play dice collector, dice addict, dice themselves, etc. If no scripts avail., meeting requested to discuss potential to option dice-based script.

Correct facial obtusity

Mockup as follows.

Consider a neck brace

Dashing this off, but potentially worth a thought for M. Teller & team.

Happy to hop on a call to explain further. Will circle back next week at latest. Talk soon—