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Taking Action: Legislators Have Introduced A Bipartisan Bill Demanding That The Trump Administration Make Its Inhumane Immigration Policies Easier To Ignore

You spoke, and your national representatives have listened: In response to public outcry against the separation of migrant families at the border, Congress has introduced a bill with wide bipartisan support demanding that President Trump employ unspeakably cruel immigration policies that are easier for people to ignore.

The legislation supported by Democratic and Republican leadership calls for the Trump administration to immediately alter its immigration policies that blatantly parade human tragedy in the open so that mistreating immigrants is once again able to fly under the average citizen’s radar, as it did in the Bush and Obama administrations. The bill openly condemns the way Trump’s border policies have led to heartbreaking images that are impossible to scrub from your mind, like an immigrant mother being separated from her breastfeeding child, and strongly asserts that assembly-line trials and indefinite detention of unaccompanied minors as examples of the kind of blatant disregard for due process that is way simpler for everyone to overlook.

“The American people are good, decent, moral people, and they’d much rather be able to pretend that the brutal treatment of immigrants along our Southern border isn’t happening,” stated Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell, standing side by side with minority leader Chuck Schumer. “We can still detain asylum-seeking mothers and children in order to deter others from coming to the U.S. border without having concentration camps full of kids all over the news for people to have to see, and that’s what this legislation will accomplish.”

Wow. After months of gridlock on an immigration bill in Congress, both parties have finally agreed on failing migrant children using a complicated and ineffective bureaucracy that will be much easier for American citizens to turn a blind eye to than literal cages full of children in the desert. It took a while, but it looks like Congress is finally doing its job.