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These C-Section Scars Are Beautiful, But If You’re Not Really Feeling Up To Opening Your Mind, Use The Sliders To Remove Them

No judgment either way.

Don’t think C-section scars are beautiful? Well, that’s totally fine! If you’re not really feeling up to embracing all body types, you can use the sliders to remove the C-section scars and reveal flat, perfect stomachs.

Each of these scars represents the power of motherhood, and the pain and struggle women must endure to give life. That said, you might not have the energy to change every preconception you have about beauty right now. Should that be the case, simply swipe your mouse across the image!

If you haven’t totally felt like expanding your worldview by this point, you’re probably not going to! Just admit that you’re more comfortable seeing a version of this image without any scars, and then use the slider to reveal it.

You might be tired right now. You might have just had a rough day. You might have gone online to cheer yourself up with something carefree, not to throw every stereotype you have about C-section scars out the window! And that’s why you should have options.

Whichever one you want is fine!

Society is not going to change one way or the other today. You’re a good person, but even good people sometimes have off days. And if today is one of those days, just be honest with yourself and use the slider until the conventionally beautiful stomach appears. We totally understand!