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Unhelpful Hysterics: This Carbon Monoxide Detector Is Emitting A Shrill Series Of Chirps Instead Of Suggesting Realistic, Practical Paths Forward

In an emergency situation, the most important thing is to keep a level head. Panicking only makes matters worse. Unfortunately, we’re currently witnessing a perfect example of how NOT to act in a life-threatening scenario: This carbon monoxide detector is emitting a shrill series of chirps instead of suggesting realistic, practical paths forward.  

Shrieking like a banshee is absolutely not helping at all right now. Jesus.

For 30 minutes now, this carbon monoxide detector has been histrionically bleeping about the carbon monoxide leaking throughout the house, offering absolutely zero constructive input about what steps we should take to address the problem. Understandably, a CO leak is not something to take lightly, but hysterically screeching about it for half an hour like this carbon monoxide detector’s doing is just a frustratingly counterproductive reaction. Right now it’s important to stay calm, carefully assess the situation, and remove ourselves from danger with rational thinking and teamwork. It is not a time to beep. All this carbon monoxide detector has done is lose its cool and add far more stress to an already stressful situation.

Honestly, by freaking out and diverting everyone’s attention away from solving the problem, this carbon monoxide detector is making the situation about itself. Yes. There’s a carbon monoxide leak. We get it. We haven’t forgotten. Now get a hold of yourself and tell us what to do about it. Like, should we open a window or something? Why the hell are we coming up with all the solutions when it’s literally the carbon monoxide detector’s area of expertise?

For Christ’s sake. We’re all going to die because this helpless piece of shit is shrieking and having a meltdown instead of offering useful suggestions. If we survive this, the first thing we’re doing is throwing the carbon monoxide detector in the trash. All it does is flip its wig and make things more stressful.