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You Had To Be There: 5 Hilarious Photos Of Mountains That Won’t Really Make Sense To You

Sorry, but you’re probably just not going to understand how fucking funny these five photos of mountains are. It was kind of a “you had to be there” thing. But if you had been there…god…it’s just like…oh god, sorry, we can’t stop laughing. Literally the funniest thing ever!

So, okay, part of the whole thing with this picture of Mount Sneffels in Colorado is if you look at the trees, like the yellow part of the trees—sorry, this is really hard to get through, because we were laughing so hard we literally could not breathe—but the way some of the trees are dark, and then on top…it’s the yellow ones?? Maybe you had to notice them at just the right moment. But think about it, it’s a mountain, and then the YELLOW trees are right there…ah…sorry, we can’t breathe again.


Literally we would pay one million dollars to take you back to Banff when this picture was taken, because as soon as we realized what was so funny about it we completely fucking lost it. At this point all we have to say is “Banff lake” and we basically become nonverbal with laughter. It was like, we were looking at the mountain, right? And the way the mountain goes like, peak…peak…peak…peak…a bunch of peaks in a row…does that make sense at all? Probably not. We really wish you had been there.


Stoppppp itttttt!!! Oh god, we can barely look at this one. It’s in Austria, first of all…and then the little…river…flowing all rapidly and everything…ahahahahahahaha…ohhhhh…aaaahahahahahaha. Classic!


BAhahahahahhahaha. Sorry. It’s so funny, because this picture does just look like a regular sunrise over the Rocky Mountains, we guess…but if you saw it when we saw it, it was so different. There was this moment when the sun peeked over the mountaintop and started turning the sky all dusky orange and we all just looked at each other like…yeah. And looking at each other made it even funnier, because we all had this look in our eyes like…you know…YEAH. And we burst out laughing so hard that this nearby bird started flapping and flying away, which made us laugh like, 10 times harder. Seriously, it was so funny. Some of us puked.


Goddammit, you really had to be there at the top of the mountain for this one. There was just something about the way the snow was covering some parts of the mountain, but NOT other parts…see? Like there are these sections…that are more cold than the rest…because they have this SNOW all over them, and…aaahahahahahhaha. Sorry. Sorry. It’s just REALLY hard to keep it together if you were there! But you gotta trust us when we say it was the most insanely funny thing that ever happened.