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5 Yu-Gi-Oh Guys, Take Them Or Leave Them

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Look, we rounded up some Yu-Gi-Oh whatever-they-ares and made a list out of them. Not gonna pretend like we know what the hell any of this is, but we know there are lots of people who eat this shit up, so figured we’d throw ‘em a bone. Here’s five of those Yu-Gi-Oh guys, take ‘em or leave ‘em.

1. First Yu-Gi-Oh Guy

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No idea how to even begin describing what this is. Saw it in the first Google search we did for “Yu-Gi-Oh things” and threw it right on the list. Seems to be a big orange robot with glasses—not sure if it’s one of the main Yu-Gi-Ohs or not. But anyway, hope you like this picture of him.

2. This One

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Second Yu-Gi-Oh. This one is called the Black Magician or something, and he appears to be a bad guy. Anyway, hope this whets your appetite for Yu-Gi-Oh stuff. Moving on…

3. Another Yu-Gi-Oh 

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Hey, check it out, it’s another Yu-Gi-Oh! How about that?!? Does this hit the spot for all you Yu-Gi-Oh fans out there? Do you like this bird-ninja guy? If so, feel free to share this with all your little Yu-Gi-Oh buddies so we can get more traffic.

4. Yet Another Yu-Gi-Oh Guy

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Ah, yes, this guy…the smiling three-headed tree monster. A character beloved by Yu-Gi-Oh fans worldwide, or so we assume. Wow! Gotta love it!

5. Last One 

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Last Yu-Gi-Oh guy. This one seems more like a normal anime boy than the others, although who knows, maybe he morphs into a goblin or something. Honestly, it should be clear by now that we really don’t have a clue about what any of this stuff is. From what we can tell, Yu-Gi-Oh is basically just Pokemon. But we hope you like all these pictures we scraped together! Feel free to check out this list again if it scratched a Yu-Gi-Oh itch for you, but if it didn’t and you’d rather not, that’s fine too. None of this matters.