Eight of the world’s most highly successful businesspeople give you a peek into what exactly they know about you.
1. Jeff Bezos

“Sometimes you still think breaking up with your high school girlfriend was the worst mistake you’ve ever made. You look at her Facebook once a week and get frustrated whenever a photo comes up on her news feed where she’s with a male. Also, he’s always more attractive than you.”
2. Larry Ellison

“Your left buttock features a huge mole right in the middle of your dimple on the side. You don’t like to wear white underwear because of it. And yes, it is as bad as you think.”
3. Arianna Huffington

“You love the smell of unwashed hair.”
4. Martha Stewart

“Every day, you have doubts about your relationship. The first few months after meeting Caroline at that bar were amazing, totally a dream come true. But now? Oh, God. Her voice is unbearable most days, but you’re worried that if you leave, no one else will love you like she does.”
5. Jack Dorsey

“Sometimes you can’t sleep at night because you fear a sparrow will fly into your room and peck your eyes out before taking them back to her young in the nest.”
6. Sergey Brin

“I know you’ve been texting with Sasha. There’s nothing your wife would ever pick up on, and there’s nothing that she could explicitly accuse you of if she saw them, but you’ve definitely initiated your fair share. Right?”
7. Oprah Winfrey

“When you were 8, you accidentally hit your little brother in the head with a rock, and you never told anyone. That’s why he’s always struggled in school and hasn’t been able to get his shit together and find a decent job.”
8. Melinda Gates

“You think your cat doesn’t remember, but she remembers. How could she forget?”