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Absolutely Bewildering: These Children Call Their Grandpa Exclusively By His Full Name (Walter Feldman) But Refer To Their Grandma Only As ‘Puzzles’

Brace yourself for total confusion, because the following story is seriously a head-scratcher. Apparently, these children call their grandpa exclusively by his full name (Walter Feldman), but refer to their grandma only as “Puzzles.”

Wow. This is absolutely bewildering. What sort of system is at work here?

For some inexplicable reason, the three Feldman children in Amherst, MA, don’t just refer to their grandparents as something normal like Grandma and Grandpa, but instead “Walter Feldman” and “Puzzles,” which is one of the more indecipherable combinations of names possible. Seriously, though—how did these kids arrive at these names? Did the kids come across their grandfather’s mail and start calling him by his full name? Is their Grandma addicted to puzzles? Is this some kind of cultural thing? Did the kids think of the names, or did the grandparents come up with them on their own?

The more one examines these bizarre names, the less sense they make.

But not only are these names outrageous, but they don’t even remotely fit together in a pair. Honestly, if it were something like “Walter Feldman” and “Geraldine Feldman,” or “Puzzles” and “Riddles,” that’d still be wild, but at least it’d be symmetrical. “Walter Feldman and Puzzles” just seems to have no logic behind it all.

You can tell everyone agrees these names are bizarre, too, because whenever the kids are out in public with their grandparents and they yell something like, “I want ice cream, Walter Feldman!” or “Puzzles, can we go to the movies?” everyone within earshot turns to watch in shock. 

Even more confounding is the fact that the kid’s parents refer to the grandparents by utterly different names as well, calling Walter Feldman “Chevrolet Malibu,” despite the fact he doesn’t drive one of those, and Puzzles “Mrs. Kline,” despite the fact that’s literally not her name.

This is truly a mystery. Here’s hoping the kids grow out of this and start calling their grandparents something more normal soon, because this is seriously confounding, and quite honestly, it’s stressful to think about.