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An Impending National Headache: The White House’s Landlord Just Announced He Won’t Be Renewing The U.S. Government’s Lease When It Ends Later This Spring

As if the upcoming election wasn’t enough reason to worry over the state of our country, it turns out the United States has a new, and far more immediate, dilemma on its plate: The White House’s landlord just announced he won’t be renewing the U.S. government’s lease when it ends later this spring.

What a disaster. This landlord couldn’t have picked worse timing to kick our federal government to the curb.

Yesterday afternoon, President Biden received an email from White House property owner Frank Edelstein, informing him that our federal government will not be offered a new lease for 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue once it ends on April 30, 2024. According to the notice, Edelstein claims it was “lovely having the U.S. executive branch as a tenant,” but he has “renovation plans” for the property. Edelstein also alerted President Biden that on April 15, he’ll be coming around to perform an inspection of the residence, for “deposit return purposes”—meaning the wear and tear of over 200 years of occupancy may put the U.S. government at risk of losing the $100 security deposit Thomas Jefferson put down for the White House in 1801 (today, that’s worth $2,415.32).

Though President Biden’s plate is full with both domestic and foreign matters—plus his campaign for reelection—for the next few months, most of his energy and focus will likely go towards scouring Craigslist D.C.’s apartment/housing listings for a new home, corresponding with brokers, hiring movers, and generally tying up all the loose ends required to vacate the White House permanently. According to White House sources, Biden did ask the landlord for a month-to-month extension, just to last him until he knows whether he’ll still be President next year, but Edelstein denied his request.

This really, really sucks. You just know that landlord’s going to replace the President with a bunch of finance bros who are willing to pay triple the rent our government was. 

Only time will tell how much this disrupts U.S. policymaking and the 2024 election, but it doesn’t bode well. If you happen to hear of any reasonably priced spots, or even sublets, that America’s official executive residence could move to, please let President Biden know ASAP!