While criticisms of white people imply that they have no culture of their own and what culture they do have was stolen, the following story brings a strong counterargument to the discussion: This community shredding event is packed with wall-to-wall honkies thrilled to shred their private documents.
Take that, naysayers!
Those who think white people are just cultureless Karens should definitely visit the Grand View Hospital parking lot in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, where several hundred honkies are participating in a beautiful custom of shredderdom. As the honkies haul massive trash bags out of their 2007 Toyota Sienna minivans and begin their ritualistic slow procession toward the shredder truck, they partake in their annual oral traditions: they acknowledge the shredder truck’s massive size, they note the fact that binder clips must be removed prior to shredding, and they thank themselves for their attendance, for if they had merely disposed of their sensitive documents in regular trash cans without shredding, they most certainly would have their identities stolen, like what happened to this one guy they know.
Be it medical bills, Kohl’s bills, or JCPenney bills, these white folk are here to shred, and shred they shall!
Simply majestic. We dare anyone to take one look at this parking lot and then tell us that white people have no culture!