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Biology Is Incredible: This Men’s Bowling Team Just Realized All Their Bloating Is Synced

The human body is truly a marvel of design. If you ever needed a reason to stop and be awed by how fascinating our own biology is, look no further: This men’s bowling team just realized all their bloating is synced. 

Simply amazing! To see these men’s gas-distended stomachs swell in symphony every time they hit the lanes just makes you appreciate the human body in all its complexity, doesn’t it?

Though this Queens-based bowling team, the “Gutter Guys,” only formed two months ago, their once-a-week practices at Jib Lanes have been enough to synchronize the members’ cyclic symptoms of bloating, burping, and heading to the bowling alley bathroom for extended periods of time. Russ, the team captain, first made the discovery when he noticed that his own belly happened to balloon up tight towards their fourth round of beer and bar snacks—exactly when all the other Gutter Guys would begin patting their stomachs and bowling just as sluggishly as he was. 

Incredibly, these men’s hormonal response to spending three hours per week bowling in close quarters not only united their body chemistry in concert, but also bonded the team in a whole new way. Now they were all suffering the discomfort of swollen bellies together, rather than enduring their pain privately. Sharing TUMS Chewy Bites With Gas Relief and massaging each other’s gassy abdomens are now regular team rituals for the Gutter Guys, all thanks to this fascinating biological phenomenon! 

How cool is this?! Humans truly are amazing. 

It’s wonders like these that inspire people to enter the field of evolutionary biology. Nature is the world’s best engineer, and the Gutter Guys’ synced up bloating is all the proof we need!