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Child Prodigy? This 15-Year-Old Is Pregnant

Some children are blessed at a young age with uncanny abilities, demonstrating aptitude far beyond their years. One example of one such miraculous wunderkind? This 15-year-old is pregnant.

Amazing. Could this 15-year-old girl from rural Ohio be some sort of child prodigy?

Fifteen-year-old high school freshman Doraina Roush is a lot like other kids her age. She plays Fortnite, makes funny TikToks, and loves getting boba tea with her friends at the food court. But while she may appear to be a normal teenager in every way, there’s one big exception. Doraina is already super pregnant just a few months after her 15th birthday.

While many women in their 20s, 30s, and even 40s struggle to achieve becoming pregnant, all it took for Doriana was a 10 minutes alone with an older boy from her school and a lack of basic knowledge about contraception. If she can get pregnant this easily as a child, who knows what else she can pull off at a highly advanced level.

Wow. Anyone who sees Doraina’s baby bump when she’s out shopping for diapers with her mom is going to know they’re in the presence of greatness.

Time will tell what other advanced accomplishments Doraina can achieve before she turns 18. Breastfeeding? Getting pregnant a second time? It’s too soon to tell if Doraina is on the path to become the next Mozart or maybe even the next Octomom, but keep an eye on this girl. If the relentless duties of teenage motherhood don’t get in her way, she’s going places.