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Congratulations, Jessica! ClickHole Is Proud To Announce That Our Inaugural Emerging Voices Grant Has Been Awarded To Jessica Chastain

Since announcing ClickHole’s inaugural Emerging Voices Program last fall, a program made possible by the generous support of our sponsors Little Debbie and J.Crew, we’ve been incredibly grateful for the excitement generated by our followers and the digital media community. We received more applications than we ever expected, and the outpouring of goodwill has been life-affirming, so to speak. After carefully sorting through hundreds of blind submissions, we are proud to award our first ever Emerging Voices Grant to Jessica Chastain!

Congratulations, Jessica! You couldn’t deserve it more. 

As the recipient of the Emerging Voices Grant, Jessica Chastain will spend the next four months working on her proposed digital project with mentorship from the ClickHole staff. Jessica’s submission stood out from the pack for its candor, grace, and humanity. What she may lack in formal digital media training, she makes up for in her originality and potential. You can teach listicle fundamentals, but you can’t teach heart. Jessica’s proposed project is as personal as it is universal, as it seamlessly blends pop culture with social critique through a Marxist lens. Suffice to say, we can’t wait to see what she can do, and it will be an honor for us to guide her as she completes her four month virtual residency with us. 

In the interest of transparency, we’ve received permission from Jessica to post her application. We hope that by sharing her work, future applicants will know what a successful submission looks like. 


Hi I am Jessica. I was an actress but now I m       want to do blog                  My heart it lies in blogs.


I will do a list about radiator covers. It is of the zeitgeist as it is winter. I will write an article that is a list that is recommending the best radiator covers. Everyone who has a radiator needs to cover it and it can be really hard even scary to know if you’re choosing the right one. it can be costing more money than you have to spend on radiator covers. I will order them with my compuer and try them all

YUo can even burn yourself on a radiator thats not covered, as once happened to me 


Mark Ruffalo recommends Jessica Chastain for the opportunity

-Mark Ruffalo

We couldn’t be more thrilled to have Jessica on board with us, and we know she’ll knock our socks off during her weekly Zoom check-in meetings with the ClickHole staff. At the conclusion of her time with the site, she will be honored with a virtual celebration during which she will perform a reading of her completed article and be given a chance to network with writers from online publications such as The Ringer, Mashable, and IndieWire.

We have the utmost faith that Jessica will use this grant to reach her full potential, and there is no doubt in our mind that she will rise to the occasion. Thanks again to Little Debbie and J.Crew for their commitment to supporting emerging digital writers. Now let’s all give a warm ClickHole welcome to Jessica Chastain!