For one list only, experience the scrollable spectacle that has taken the inter-net by storm! And for you, today, we have waived the price of admission. Enter and be amazed!
Quake in your seat as these captive performers loop and loop through sequences of dizzying audacity!

Small cat! Large dog! Marvel at their improbable companionship!

God-defying stunts performed ceaselessly for your amazement, the likes of which have never been attempted on the World Wide Web!

The freaks of nature repulse and fascinate you! You will share this article in rapture!

Now, gaze on assorted antique delicacies that conjure the spirit of a bygone era—the 1990s in the United States of America!

You are dumbstruck with awe by the cat! Witness his uncontrollable addiction to water!

Behold the celebrity! A seeming impossibility, how full of win this woman is!

Ah, but you now cower away from the primal, the terrifying, Shining Man!!!

And here it is, friends. The main event. The reason you are all here! Gape in awe as the dog…plays…piano!

Then cheer on your champion in man…versus…escalator!