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Environmental Win! These Overflowing Landfills Mean People Aren’t Littering!

Though there are plenty of reasons to be anxious about what’s happening to our planet’s environment, it’s not all doom and gloom just yet! Here’s an incredible example of what we’re capable of if everyone does their part: These overflowing landfills mean people aren’t littering! 

Yes!!! When people refrain from littering, this is the kind of difference it makes!

All across the country, landfills are running out of space to hold all the trash that eco-conscious Americans are choosing to put in the garbage instead of carelessly littering. Yup! Every landfill that exceeds capacity, often to the point that state governments are paying to export their green-minded citizens’ garbage to other states, is a comforting sign that the 150 million tons of trash the U.S. produces annually isn’t being tossed in our streets. But it gets even more encouraging: more and more landfills are being constructed every day to handle the volume of junk that’d otherwise be cluttering sidewalks and highway medians. For every extra effort people take to find a trash can to dispose of their garbage, there’s a junkyard that’s becoming a problem! 

Ugh, to know that people are thinking twice before throwing their trash on the ground is truly a beautiful, beautiful thing!

Without a doubt, society has a long way to go in preventing climate change-induced environmental collapse. But for now, we can all take solace in looking at our country’s mountain range-esque dumps and knowing there are that many fewer litterbugs out walking the streets. Faith in humanity restored!