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Highly Impressive: This Addict Managed To Destroy His Life With Weed And Weed Alone 

Get ready to have your socks blown off, because this is just about the most impressive thing we’ve ever heard: This addict managed to destroy his life with weed and weed alone. 

Damn. This is truly an incredible achievement!

Twenty-seven-year-old addict Alex Baker has done something absolutely monumental: He’s completely ruined his life in every possible way without ever once touching booze, pills, or hard drugs of any kind. While weed is generally considered to be mostly innocuous and its potential for true addiction is often debated, you wouldn’t know that by looking at Alex, who looks as strung out and unwell as the average anti-meth billboard model thanks to smoking a mere couple of joints a day.

That’s right, with a strict regimen of just weed (not even hash or strong edibles or anything, just straight-up, good-old-fashioned marijuana), he’s managed to lose his job, destroy several romantic relationships, become completely cut off from his family, and end up thousands of dollars in debt. As if that weren’t amazing enough, Alex has even been able to hit some bottoms normally reserved for the most destitute of junkies—he was forcibly evicted from his apartment last year, and even committed a few petty crimes that landed him in jail overnight. All that from weed, a drug that’s just supposed to make you want to eat chocolate-covered potato chips and watch crappy sci-fi movies from the ‘50s.

Wow, Alex. If you can destroy your life with weed and weed alone, you can probably do anything!

It seems like Alex definitely needs some sort of intervention if he’s going to end his crippling weed addiction and get his shit together, but can you imagine staging an intervention for just weed? Everyone there would be so busy congratulating Alex on somehow managing to fuck up his entire existence with the most benign drug around that they’d never get to the intervention part. Sorry about your life and everything, Alex, but we have to say bravo for destroying it with a drug that’s–at worst–just supposed to make you late for stuff. You, friend, are truly impressive.