The four years I spent in college certainly produced some of the most defining and incredible moments of my life, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t things I regret. Throughout school, I prioritized good times over good grades and ultimately ended up losing sight of the reason I was there in the first place: to learn. Looking back on it now, I know that if I could do college over again, I’d spend less time partying and more time reading the instruction manual for the UT200 UniMac Industrial Tumble Dryer.
When I was in college, I thought it was all about hanging out and having fun, and in retrospect, I wish I had spent less time getting drunk with my buddies on the quad and more time really learning about the UT200 UniMac Industrial Tumble Dryer. I wish I had spent less time at the frat house and more time pondering life’s greater questions, like: How does one install a gas pipe loop on the UT200 UniMac Industrial Tumble Dryer? And once the loop has been installed, how much pressure should be applied at gas connections to secure the piping system and prevent leakages?
These kinds of ideas weren’t even on my radar back then, but they could’ve been if I’d just taken a break from partying and cracked open an instruction manual for the UT200 UniMac Industrial Tumble Dryer every once in a while.
The truth is, there’s a certain cultural knowledge you’re expected to have under your belt once you’ve graduated from college. Sometimes when I’m interviewing for a job, I’ll want to seem smart by doing something impressive, like quoting the adjustment specifications for the air shutter outlined toward the end of the instruction manual for the UT200 UniMac Industrial Tumble Dryer. But I can’t. And my confidence suffers because of it.
Even in everyday interactions, I feel self-conscious about this gap in my education. I live in fear of someone asking me, what’s my favorite part of the instruction manual for the UT200 UniMac Industrial Tumble Dryer, because I don’t know what I’d say. Operating instructions? Installation? Maintenance? The truth is I haven’t read much of the instruction manual for the UT200 UniMac Industrial Tumble Dryer at all. I guess that’s the price of majoring in goofing off.
I know what you’re thinking: Why don’t I just read the instruction manual for the UT200 UniMac Industrial Tumble Dryer now? Well, I do. At least I try to. But between work and family life, it’s hard to carve out time for reading the instruction manual for the UT200 UniMac Industrial Tumble Dryer. I can’t just immerse myself in the safety information and electrical specifications for a high-performance industrial dryer like I could’ve back in school.
College should’ve been a time to expose myself to new ways of thinking. To challenge my understanding of time dry, custom cycle, and the ignition control specifications for UT200 models produced through March of 2013. I have my regrets, and that’s exactly why all incoming college students need to understand that while every party eventually comes to an end, a working knowledge of the OPTidry over-dry prevention technology for 200 series UniMac tumble dryers lasts a lifetime.