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Interesting Angle: Twizzlers Has Announced That They Believe The Rise In Inceldom Is Somehow Related, Whether Positively Or Negatively, To Twizzlers

One of America’s most popular candy brands is weighing in on a controversial topic that’s sure set the internet on fire with all sorts of debates: Twizzlers has announced that they believe the rise in inceldom is somehow related, whether positively or negatively, to Twizzlers.

Alright! This is definitely an interesting angle from the Twizzlers folks.

“As the epidemic of sexually frustrated, violently misogynistic men sweeps our nation, we at Twizzlers firmly believe that this has something to do with Twizzlers,” read a post on the Twizzlers official Instagram published earlier this week. “Twizzlers might be creating more incels, or they might be reducing the number of incels. It’s also possible that Twizzlers are the reason incels exist, or that Twizzlers are the candy that will cause all incels in the world to finally start having lots of sex and become incels no longer. We really don’t know. All we know for sure is that Twizzlers play a central role in all the incel stuff that’s currently going on.”

Absolutely fascinating! No matter how you feel about Twizzlers or the discourse about incels, you’ve got to admit that this is something to think about!

Over the past few days, the official Twizzlers Instagram account has published multiple follow-up posts continuing to speculate about the impact that Twizzlers have had on the rise of incels. “It is possible that the twisty shape of Twizzlers causes men to become incels, and it is also possible that the smell of Twizzlers is the reason why so many incels express negative views about women, and if that’s true, we’re very sorry,” read one post.

“Maybe the first incel ever got the idea to be an incel from looking at a woman eating Twizzlers,” read a second. “But it’s also possible that many men got the idea to stop being incels after thinking about how Twizzlers are the perfect road trip snack.”

Just a few hours ago, the account also posted, “Let’s not rule out the possibility that every single man in the world would be an incel if not for Twizzlers.” It really seems like the people at Twizzlers are entertaining a wide variety of explanations for the impact of Twizzlers‘ relationship with incels!

While the Twizzlers account has not yet posted conclusively about the precise connection between Twizzlers and incels, it seems like they’re determined to get to the bottom of it, or at least continue to post a wide array of hypotheses. Kudos for Twizzlers for their inquisitive spirit and their determination to figure out what role Twizzlers have played in this disturbing social phenomenon!