Sounds like the criminal justice system has taught Jared Fogle a serious lesson. After being found guilty of possessing child pornography and soliciting sex from minors last year, the former Subway spokesman is really making amends in a positive way: He’s writing letters to children to let them know that he never wants to see them naked.
That’s a big step in the right direction!
So far, the disgraced spokesman has written 240 letters by hand to children across the country to tell them in no uncertain terms that he has no interest in seeing them naked. This letter he sent to 12-year-old Laura Getty in Tallahassee, Florida, makes it clear that Jared’s time in prison has forced him to take a hard look at the mistakes he’s made and turn over a new leaf:

Wow. Possession of child pornography and engaging in illicit sexual conduct with a minor are disgusting, reprehensible crimes. But through his actions, Jared has shown he is willing to make some major changes in prison and begin to atone for what he did. While time will tell if Jared will continue to write letters to children to tell them he doesn’t want to see them naked, for now it looks like he’s dedicated to writing as many as possible to show America that he’s truly changed. And that’s a start.