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Ready To Feel Old? ClickHole Started Ten Years Ago This Week

Hope you’re sitting down, millennials, because the following news is going to make you feel like it’s time to check into an assisted living facility: ClickHole started ten years ago this week.

That’s right. Even though it feels like just yesterday that ClickHole emerged from the cosmos to bring you the most viral content on the web, it actually began a full decade ago. 

Yup. When ClickHole started, this man was president:

This woman was on TV every night:

And this style of article was still really popular.


It’s true. The website you probably assumed was still in its infancy is turning ten years old this Wednesday.

But don’t worry! We have a retrospective week of ClickHole’s most internet-breaking posts from over the years lined up to soothe the aches and pains of aging. Check back daily to look directly into the internet’s foul and mesmerizing past, and then get ready for all the viral content yet to come. Getting older isn’t easy, but clicking is forever.