It may seem like most corporations are insensitive, greedy organizations that only care about profits, but here’s proof that one of them has a big heart. Jif peanut butter has finally given kids with peanut allergies their wish and unveiled a new line of empty peanut butter jars just for them.
Aww! It’s about time these kids got some peanut butter jars.
Letters like this had poured in to Jif for years from kids with peanut allergies desperate to get their hands on a peanut butter jar:

Well, Jif finally listened. A spokeswoman for the company announced the new empty jars at an emotional press conference, stating, “Jif is proud to be the first peanut butter brand to introduce empty jars of peanut butter to the market. We want all kids to be able to enjoy our products, including those with peanut allergies who want our jars. All Jif products including our Creamy, Crunchy, Reduced Fat, and Natural varieties are now available as empty jars.”
Incredible! Companies are usually so focused on the bottom line that it’s rare to see them consider the needs of everyone like this. Jif is so dedicated to the safety of these often-forgotten kids that the jars are even being manufactured in a costly new peanut-free factory to ensure there is no contamination. It’s touching to see Jif had the sensitivity to put people before profits.
Hats off to Jif. All it takes is one company stepping up and doing the right thing for the whole marketplace to follow suit. After this considerate move by Jif, it’s only a matter of time before we start to see even more great products like these jars that take everyone’s needs into account.