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Shameful: This Bench In Central Park Is Dedicated To The Memory Of Darth Vader

If you’re looking for a perfect illustration of the moral blindness of our society, just take a stroll through Manhattan’s Central Park, where you’ll encounter one of the most disgraceful things you’ll ever see in your life: This bench in Central Park is dedicated to the memory of Darth Vader.

Absolutely shameful. America has truly lost its way.

Among the many benches in Central Park that New York City residents have dedicated to departed family members and friends, this is the only one that pays tribute to a Sith Lord, and quite frankly it’s deeply offensive on every level. Darth Vader trafficked in the seductively powerful yet ultimately evil Dark Side of the Force and used it to strangle his own employees. He also cut off Luke Skywalker’s hand, blew up the planet Alderaan using the Death Star, and killed beloved Jedi master Obi-Wan “Ben” Kenobi. There’s simply no reason a lunatic this depraved deserves his own emotional tribute in one of the most iconic public parks in the country.

This never should have been allowed to happen.

According to the plaque mounted on this monstrosity, the bench was dedicated in 1993 by Chewbacca and Greedo. The inscription on the plaque reads: “Dedicated to the memory of Darth Vader. Poet. Sith Lord. Knicks Fan. Patriot. Father To Luke, Lance, and Leia. Student Of The Dark Side. Raconteur. Dedicated by his friends Chewbacca and Greedo.” It’s just sitting there under the shade of a gorgeous oak tree alongside benches dedicated to upstanding members of our society, all of whom managed to get through their whole lives without becoming lackeys of the tyrannical Emperor Palpatine.

This is completely despicable. Whoever allowed this to go up showed a serious lack of judgment. Hopefully city officials will start to receive an overwhelming amount of complaints and feel compelled to remove this amoral eyesore. We understand that people are complicated and nobody is completely perfect, but with all due respect to Chewbacca and Greedo, if they want to pay tribute to someone like Darth Vader, they should keep it out of Central Park.