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Ugh, Take A Hint, Will You? This Woman’s Credit Card Company Keeps Sending Her Bills When She’s Made It Abundantly Clear She’s Not Interested In Paying Them

If you’ve ever experienced the frustration and downright creepiness of dealing with someone who just can’t seem to take a hint no matter how loud and clear you’re being with them, this story should ring true: This woman’s credit card company won’t stop sending her bills even though she’s made it completely clear she has absolutely no interest in paying them. 

Jesus. What part of “NO THANKS” don’t they understand? 

When 21-year-old retail associate Jean Michaels received an offer to open a Chase Rewards Visa card, it seemed like a great idea. The card would allow her to generate bonus points on every purchase she made and pick up big ticket items that she couldn’t quite afford with a single paycheck from her job at Bath and Body Works. Within days of receiving her new card, Jean used it to purchase an iPad, a new pair of boots, and get a full sleeve tattoo before finally hitting the $2,000 limit. With no more money left on the card to spend, Jean quickly forgot it even existed. 

That is, until a month later when she opened her mailbox and discovered that Chase had sent her a bill. 

“At first it was kind of cute that they sent this letter,” said Jean. “Maybe a little desperate seeming, but whatever. Like, who uses the mail anymore? I was just kind of like, ‘Aww, they want me to make a payment,’ which obviously was never my intention here. But then I checked my email and found they sent, like, the exact same letter there as well. That’s when things started to feel a little weird.”

After not hearing from Chase again for nearly a month, Jean assumed they had taken the hint and moved on, but then she received yet another letter, this time claiming her payment was “overdue.” Not only was Chase demanding payment immediately, but they were also now asking for even more money.  Not sure the best way to handle their creepy persistence, Jean attempted to let them down softly by acting like she thought they were just kidding and responded to their email lightheartedly, saying, “haha OK sounds good. Check’s in the mail lol ;)”

That should have been the end of this, but it didn’t stop there. Chase has continued to call and text Jean pretty much nonstop demanding more and more money despite the fact that she has never once picked up the phone or responded to their texts. They’ve even waded into stalker territory by starting to have other companies call her to try to collect the debt after she blocked Chase everywhere she could. 

Yikes. Do they really need this spelled out for them?

When faced with an uncomfortable situation like this, it’s easy to blame yourself or to think you’ve done something wrong, but this entire situation is on Chase. All Jean wanted was the $2,000 in credit, but she never once even came close to suggesting she was interested in paying her bill. It can be hard to just come out and say, “Um yeah, sorry, but I’m just not interested in paying you,” but Jean’s complete lack of response should be all the message Chase needs to know that this is never going to happen. It’s time for Chase to give it up, because they’re being incredibly creepy right now.