These days, it feels like it’s impossible to go on the internet without feeling the pressure to check at least a dozen different websites, not to mention all the new ones that are cropping up every day. With all of these websites to look at, it’s a wonder anyone finds time to take their dog to the vet anymore.
I mean, between Facebook, Twitter, IMDb, TechCrunch, and ESPN, I have no clue how someone could take the time required to leave their home and take their dog to the vet. How could you check out all the latest offerings on YouTube and still have hours left in the day to raise a healthy, happy pup?
Gawker is a great site, and it has at least eight sister sites. By the time I’m done with Valleywag, there’s a whole bunch more stuff posted on Jalopnik, and when I’m done reading that, then Valleywag has more stuff! Just feeding my dog takes too long, and I only have to go to the kitchen to do that. I wish I could bring my dog to see the veterinarian, but driving him all the way across town is out of the question when there’s so much Wikipedia left.
How could you check out all the latest offerings on YouTube and still have hours left in the day to raise a healthy, happy pup?
That’s not to say that websites don’t make my life easier, too. Amazon saves me a lot of time on shopping so I can stay home, I can pay my phone bill at, and the Chase Bank site is incredibly effective. Yet even with that help, there’s no way to take my dog for medical treatment without missing lots of fantastic online content!
What would be really great is a website that lets you hire people to take your dog to the vet for you. Maybe that website already exists, and I would not be surprised, because there are all kinds of websites out there. I typed in, but there was nothing there.
Either way, it seems like this is just what we’ve gotta get used to. Too many websites to look at, too few hours in the day, and a dog that never gets that limp in his leg checked out. That’s not a bad problem to have, though.