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Hell Fuckin’ Yes! Tomorrow Would Be The PERFECT Day To Stop The Bad Habit You Don’t Feel Like Stopping Right Now

Sometimes a golden opportunity falls right into your lap, and the ideal conditions to finally make some improvements in your life are suddenly right around the corner. Fortunately, that’s just what’s occurring at the moment: Tomorrow would be the PERFECT day to stop the bad habit you don’t feel like stopping right now.

Let’s fucking go! Your bad habit is HISTORY come tomorrow!

You’ve courageously decided that your deeply entrenched bad habit has gone on for long enough, and while addressing it right this minute would be a huge pain in the ass, tomorrow’s looking like the perfect moment to finally step up and give that pernicious tendency of yours the boot. We know what a big deal this is for you; that bad habit has been a drain on your overall well being for years now, and while you’ve thought about kicking it dozens of times before, you’ve never quite been able to commit yourself to the difficult work that entails. But even though you’re just not in the mood to stop doing that thing today, tomorrow, things are gonna be different—tomorrow, you’ll finally have the resolve you need to say “This shit ends TODAY.”

Honestly, knowing that you’re finally going to stop that bad habit tomorrow is such an incredible weight off your shoulders that you can go on partaking in that habit for now without the slightest twinge of guilt. Those harmful impulses are as good as dead already, so who cares if you allow yourself one more day of indulging in them? In the grand scheme of things, a single extra day of falling back on your usual bullshit doesn’t really matter. If anything, you should consider this one final day of not doing jack shit about your bad habit a sort of preemptive reward for finally giving it up. Overcoming this thing is a HUGE achievement, so you deserve one last hurrah before you finally turn over a new leaf tomorrow!

This is the moment you’ve been waiting for! You’ve GOT this!

We can see it already—you’ll wake up tomorrow, totally free of the apathy keeping you from stopping your bad habit right now, and change your life for the better as easily as flipping a switch. It’s a slam dunk, and frankly, with such a perfect day lined up, the worst thing you could do would be to jump the gun and try to give up your bad habit now before your heart’s fully in it. No sense starting your self-improvement off on the wrong foot when tomorrow looks so much better!

It’s amazing to think the bad habit you’re uninterested in stopping right now will be nothing more than a memory tomorrow. We’re so fuckin’ PSYCHED for you to finally make the changes you’ve been putting off for so long! Well done!