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Blatant Nepotism: This Baby Has His Mother’s Beautiful Smile

Some people clearly owe their success more to who they know than what they know, and one little scion of privilege seems to have already figured out just how far riding your parents’ coattails can take you: This baby has his mother’s beautiful smile.

Must be nice, just having your winsome facial features handed to you on a silver platter like that.

Ten-month-old Lucas Chesson doesn’t have a single achievement to his name, but thanks to a fortunate draw in the lottery of life—and fuck all else—he’s lucked into a bright-eyed, ear-to-ear smile from his mother Leanne without so much as an interview. Leanne doesn’t seem to have had any compunctions about keeping her radiant grin strictly within the family, passing over countless other qualified babies to make sure her kind brown eyes and bubbly, chime-like laugh went to the first kid who just so happened to carry the Chesson name. And young Lucas isn’t shy about flaunting his beaming countenance either, gleefully showing off his mother’s smile for cooing admirers in the grocery checkout line without any apparent misgivings over the rank corruption from which he’s benefitted.

You’ve got to feel for all the babies watching Lucas coast through infancy on his family connections while they struggle to form an expression that doesn’t look like a DUI mugshot. Lucas is essentially playing babyhood on easy mode with those rosy cheeks and that cute button nose, all because his mother was able to pull some strings and cut him in on one of the most captivatingly angelic dispositions to ever grace this earth. And lest you think Lucas may have at least come by that shock of lustrous chestnut hair through his own ingenuity and hard work, a quick glance at his father’s satiny locks should tell you the boy’s smile is far from the only perk afforded to him by his chummy network of genetic forebears with a penchant for shameless favoritism.

You didn’t earn that smile, pal. You haven’t earned shit in your life!

As sleazy as this all feels, we can acknowledge that there’s always the outside chance Lucas might pull a Laura Dern and go on to prove himself worthy of the advantages he’s already been handed. Maybe he’ll end up being just as much of an effervescent charmer as his mother, who knows! It could happen. But you’ll forgive us if we’ve known one too many well-connected mediocrities to see this baby’s adorable smile as anything more than the smirk of a spoiled brat who knows he hit the jackpot while somewhere out there an actually deserving baby is stuck wearing the face of a concussed Vin Diesel.

Ugh, there’s nothing worse than someone born on third acting like he hit a triple. Here’s hoping for a future where babies’ smiles say more about their actual skill at being infants than who their parents are!