Grab some tissues, because here’s a story about an amazing new charitable initiative that will definitely bring a tear to your eye: Locks Of Love has announced that it will now also donate hair to middle-aged men who have lost all the hair on their legs from wearing dress socks.
Hair donors can now feel even better about their contributions to Locks Of Love knowing that their gift will help not only children who’ve lost their hair due to medical conditions, but also men in their 40s and 50s who have completely smooth calves and ankles after years of friction from dress socks. Businessmen who, out of embarrassment, have resorted to wearing slacks year-round to hide their hairlessness can now have a second chance at leading a normal life with thick, bristly leg hair, making them feel confident and youthful once again.
“Locks Of Love is proud to begin bringing hope into the lives of bankers, lawyers, and other corporate types whose legs have become totally bald from regularly wearing dress socks,” said the nonprofit in a press release. “We want to return a sense of happiness and normalcy to adult men whose legs have become smooth as a cue ball from decades of wearing high dress socks.”
Wow. If that doesn’t warm your heart, nothing will.
If you want to change a middle-aged man’s life forever by giving your hair to his legs, Locks Of Love is always accepting donations and would definitely appreciate your support. Kudos to this one-of-a-kind charity for doing so much to make the world a better place.