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How Many Of These Memories Have You Had Flash Before Your Eyes During A Near-Death Experience?

How Many Of These Memories Have You Had Flash Before Your Eyes During A Near-Death Experience?

Many who have had a brush with death report reliving the most precious moments of their lives. How many of these memories have you had flash before your eyes during a near-death experience? 

1. Getting married to and having children with a person whose name you never learned.
2. Seeing a snake walking around upright and hearing it yell, “We can all do this!”
3. Having your grandpa’s corpse reach out of his casket and hand you his pubes.
4. Having unprotected sex and loving it. 
5. Turning into a boat for two minutes in front of a group of friends and never speaking of it again. 
6. Shaving everyone you ever met. 
7. Sharing 12 root beers in a row with Jonathan Taylor Thomas.
8. Coming out of your mom’s vagina and seeing it wave to you. 
9. Making a small mistake on your taxes in 2003. 
10. Decking your first dork. 
11. Each and every time you slept. 
12. Being in prison and really wanting some Laffy Taffy.
13. Coming out as gay to The Munsters when they were on TV. 
14. Raising your hand to ask the cop who had just pulled you over if you could use the bathroom. 
15. Meeting Lionel Richie in outer space. 
16. Having a really good-feeling rash. 
17. Finding a perfectly edible waffle in your mailbox. 
18. Sneezing through your anus one time. 
19. Inventing croutons.
20. Walking in on your parents watching TV. 
21. Being repeatedly referred to as “Diarrhea Bitch” by LeBron James during a postgame press conference.
22. Drinking a pretty cold glass of water. 
23. Hiking 12 feet on the Appalachian Trail before giving up. 
24. Looking at your phone and seeing some posts. 
25. Milking a really famous cow. 
26. Being inside a cocoon. 

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How Many Of These Memories Have You Had Flash Before Your Eyes During A Near-Death Experience?

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